JOHN F. KENNEDY (about a paragraph in charge)

     The hardest things of his time as president was the relationship with the communist state. He was especially careful about the Soviet Union. He is also aware of the situation in Berlin and has even traveled to West Berlin to give a speech.

     In the spring of 1961, a big problem occurred in Cuba. The socialist revolution was successful in Cuba. This was a big shock to the United States. Cuba was the first communist nation on the American continent and was considered a US defense crisis. At first, Cuba was trying to approach the United States, but the United States had investigated Cuba in advance and identified Cuba as a communist country. Cuba, which failed to negotiate with the United States, will approach the Soviet Union. Cuba succeeds in building a good relationship with the Soviet Union. A missile launch site was built in Cuba, threatening the start of the war. At this time, Kennedy got blocked the Caribbean Sea and prevented missiles from being transported from the Soviet Union to Cuba. In addition, a large number of soldiers were stationed on the Gulf of Mexico. As a result, no force was used, but this led to the establishment of a direct telephone line between Kennedy and Gorchov. This series of events is now called the Cuban Missile Crisis


  1. I forgot to publish. I am really sorry.

  2. "about a paragraph in charge"
    What does this mean?

  3. Thank you for checking my blog.
    I wanted to say this essay is about paragraphs that I handled in group presentation.





Alice in wonderland.